My boys exploring in the creek behind our house. |
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My three Valentine's! Matthew, Nathan & Julia (Feb 2013) |

Khloe has made herself at home in our family! Nathan is sound asleep. How cute is that?
This is our newest member of the family. Our sweet little shihtzu, Logan, got sick, and had to be put to sleep. A month later, we adopted this little girl, Khloe, from our local animal shelter. She is a 7 month old half lab/half boxer.

Khloe is the chewingist dog I've ever seen. She'll eat anything! And tries to for sure! I gave her a gatorade bottle with peanut butter smeared inside, just to keep her busy long enough that I could get a quick shower. It's like having a 2 year old child in the can't leave her alone for a minute!
Matthew and Nathan on Valentine's Day 2-14-12
Matthew 15, Nathan 6
MY FUTURE AGGIE!!!His nana got him an A&M jersey, helmet, and football for Christmas. I think they were his favorite presents! Christmas 2011
Nathan and Dash---Dec 2011
Nathan said that he and Dash matched, so I needed to get a picture of the two of them!
Robert, Me, Matthew & Nathan on my 40th Birthday
November 10, 2011
Me and Matthew --- Oct 2011
A few days after his emergency apendectomy.
Halloween 2011
Matthew(15)and Nathan (6)
Summer 2011
Good 'ole fashion fun....
digging in the dirt at the lake!
One of my favorite pictures of my boys, taken on Valentine's Day, 2011. Matthew was 14 here, and Nathan was 5.
First Snow of the YearJanuary 9, 2011
Matthew and Nathan, sitting on top of a giant snowball!
Christmas 2010Angelee, Brad and Parker came and stayed 6 nights in town this Christmas. This is Parker (10) with Matthew (14) and Nathan (5).
My best friend Carla dropped in for a visit. This is a picture of her three kids, Jacob, Ashlyn, and the newest addition, Andrew, with Matthew and Nathan.
Never a dull moment with a teenager in the house...FALL 2010Matthew practicing his casting, managed to get a 3 prong hook into his arm. I attempted to remove it at home, and realized right away we would be needing drugs to deaden the skin, since the barb on one was in pretty deep. He handled it much better than I would have! OUCH!!!
Tuesday, April 27th, 2010
Nathan was SO excited to catch his first fish ever today!

Using Nathan's fish #4 as bait, I caught this little guy!

We caught a total of about 25 fish in all!
Monday, April 26th, 2010
This is the cake I made for Nathan's 5th birthday. He picked out the cake pan! (Suits him well!)

He turned 5 on
Sunday, April 25th.
Nathan helped me plant our sunflowers this year. We'll be adding pictures as they grow. They're a lot of fun to watch. We've had them a foot above our roof line before! All from a little sunflower seed!
April 4, 2010
April 11, 2010
April 25, 2010 (Taken on Nathan's 5th Birthday)
This is 3 Weeks of Growth!!!
May 5, 2010 One month's worth of growing....
May 28, 2010
About a foot taller than Nathan now. Several heads have formed. Won't be too much longer before we have our first flower! Not quite 2 months of growth.
Enter Matthew into the picture. He is the one who gets to chop them down at the end of growing season. He enjoys his roll!
Summer Trip to San Antonio, 2010
Nathan feeding the dolphins at Sea World, June 2010
Outside the Alamo, June 2010
Matthew & Nathan, Alamo courtyards, June 2010

Isn't this the funniest thing? Talk about a relaxed squirrel. He was just laying there on our bench in the backyard. He sat there so long I was starting to think he was sick or something. But he scurried on his way after about 10 minutes.
My Niece!!!
Monday, March 1st, 2010

March 1, 2010
I realize this may come as a shock to most of you. But I have a beautiful, 18 year old niece. Her name is Brooke.
Angelee got pregnant while in college. She and her then boyfriend knew they were too young to start a family, so she made the painful decision to give the baby up for adoption. She moved in with Mom and Dad who were living in Plano at the time. Angelee requested privacy in this matter, so my parents and I respected her wishes.
I, Mom and Dad, and the father were all with Angelee in the hospital the day she gave birth. We all had the chance to hold the beautiful baby girl before the adoption agency took her to be with her new parents. It was very hard on all of us, but especially hard on Angelee.
Over the years, Angelee has received updates and pictures of the baby, named Brooke by her new parents, that were sent from her parents to the adoption agency, and then to Angelee. At the age of 18, the child has the option of making contact with the birth parents, which is what Brooke chose to do this past fall.
After a period of emailing and phone conversations, Angelee and Brooke finally got to meet for the first time last weekend (Feb. 20, 2010). Angelee got to spend the weekend with Brooke and her family, and they had a wonderful visit. Brooke’s parents are completely supportive of this relationship, and welcomed Angelee with open arms. Brooke said she was looking forward to a lifetime of getting to know Angelee. And of course, our hope is that we too will get to meet her and have her be a part of our family.
Angelee and Brad are already planning a trip this summer to take Parker to meet his sister, which he is SO excited about. Mom is ecstatic to be able to say she has a granddaughter, and I feel the same way about my niece. We feel so fortunate to be able to include Brooke in our lives.
Saturday, February 13th, 2010
Ok, for us Texans who don't see a lot of snow, we don't really have a big need for super insulated gloves, boots, etc. So after one round of playing and Nathan coming back inside with tears and numb hands, this was my solution. Worked like a charm too! (Cling Wrap)
These are mine and Matthew's feet...may look ridulous, but worked great! My feet stayed warm and dry after several hours. Matthew said as I was wrapping his feet, "We caint afford no re-al boots...". (Plastic Bags)
Friday, February 12th, 2010
Keep in mind, this was early in the make-up....
lookin pretty rough, but havin lots of fun!
First picture in the snow...
Mommy and Nathan
Nathan's very first snow angel....
he was a pro!
Nathan's First Snowman.....
Thursday, February 11th, 2010
It's just starting to stick...we can't WAIT until the morning! Nathan wanted to make sure we had carrots for the nose to the snowman that isn't built yet!
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